The Biblio-Files

bib·li·o·phile (bĭb'lē-ə-fīl') n.

1. A lover of books.
2. A collector of books.


Answering the Call

This book will make a pro-choice person become both pro-choice and pro-active. It will challenge a pastor and His church to become more active in the pro-life movement, and shame those who overlook abortion as just another issue instead of murder. About three weeks ago I helped my dad on a little demolition job (construction) for a Crisis Pregnancy Center that was beginning in Leander, Tx. That experience, plus recently listening to some Piper sermons on abortion have raised my interest level quite a bit. Piper highly recommends this book and you can purchase it on for $0.01. That's right, a penny. In "Answering the Call: Saving Innocent Lives, One Woman at a Time" John Ensor does an amazing job portraying the Church's need to get involved in saving the innocent lives and speaking out for those who cannot speak for themselves(Prove. 3:18). Obviously we are taking about babies who may be aborted. The parents of these babies are our neighbors and we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Ensor does an amazing job portraying God's love for the innocent, especially innocent children, God's call on believers to act in love and cherish and defend life since God is the author, giver and creator of life. Ensor says that to remain quiet on the subject of abortion is to condone it and further condemn those who are under the guilt of previous abortions. With a message of hope, that God will forgive all whom come to Him, Ensor displays that abortion is the greatest moral evil of our time and that it must be confronted by the church. The scriptural mandate for protection of pre-born babies is clear and Ensor lays it out beautifully. He also gives the historical background of God's people constantly fighting for the lives of the innocent who cannot speak for themselves. There is truly nothing new under the sun, abortion, infanticide, exposure and abandonment have existed since sin plagued the world. And God's people, who are faithful to Him and His word, have always rigorously opposed it. ATC also gives a vast amount of resources for those interested in possibly starting their own Pregnancy Crisis Center or for those who just want to volunteer their time and serrvices. The affects of this book will no doubt prod me towards activity in the pro-life war on abortion, it will enhance the ministry of a church that I am serving in the future, and it currently gives me great pain and empathy for those who have had an abortion and a desire to offer them a message of hope.

One Quote - this quote comes from the chapter that demonstrates abortions remarkable parallel to the war against slavery:

"If we follow the law of love, one day, as a nation, we will look back on abortion the way we currently look back on slavery. As we courageously speak up and wisely direct God's people toward compassionate intervention, we should go forward recalling the timeless words of William Wilberforce: Never, never will we desist till we...extinguish every trace of this bloody traffic, of which our posterity, looking back to the history of these enlightened times, will scarce believe that it has been suffered to exist so long a disgrace and dishonor to this country (pg. 116)"

Read this book. Read it while you are alone so that if you do get emotional, your heart will be fully affected by the grotesqueness of abortion. I am shamed at my former lack of interest and flat out ignorance.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks Ryan. There is no doubt that I am too inactive and ill-informed on this most important subject. Thanks for pointing to this resource.

Anonymous said...

In the first line, did you mean to write that this book would make you pro-life??