Well, the semester at Southern has officially ended, and with some free time and an accumulated book list ready to go, the Booked Blog is currently back on track. I'll try to get a post up soon. For now, here are some books that I read this semester that I would recommend.
The Work of Christ, by Robert Letham was an enjoyable read. Letham is very clear and makes many good points concerning the work of Christ.
"All things--education, politics, business, sports, the arts, family, life, economic conditions such as inflation and unemployment, scientific inquiry, the legal system and so on--are to be seen from the perspective of the creation mediatorship of Jesus Christ. This presents us not just one way of looking at the world. Since he made it, to view the universe from any other perspective will result in distortion." (209)
The Nature of the Atonement, a very helpful read for me. Southern's own Dr. Tom Schreiner contributes the essay arguing for penal substitutionary atonement.
This book is helpful for anyone who wants to define what they believe about the work of Christ.
The Cross of Christ is a must read for...well, everyone. Seriously, no one who is serious about studying the work of Christ can go without this one. What a work it is. Though a beast of a work, COC is pastoral and easy to read. Stott is a gifted writer with much insight into the cross. Go getcha one.
Evangelical Ethics tackles a wealth of topics and critical issues that the church faces today. Ranging from contraceptives and cloning, to euthanasia and environmentalism, J. Davis offers great discussion on the most current issues that every congregation must face sooner or later. With up to date research and statistics, Davis informs and equips the Christian with a sufficient knowledge to take a stand on some complicated issues that abound in our day. Readable and informative.
Aight. Who's next?
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