The Biblio-Files

bib·li·o·phile (bĭb'lē-ə-fīl') n.

1. A lover of books.
2. A collector of books.


This Is Only A Test...

Well, what do you think? Any suggestions? Name okay? Caption okay? The email I sent to you "prospects" might not have worked. I sent a new one that should. Nevertheless, it seems as though "James" had the most clever idea so far. We'll see how it goes from here.

One more week till summer reading...err, booking begins.

Let's collaborate a little.



Jamie Butts said...

You should ask Dalton to join (joke) for the summer. That would be fun. Nice picture. Our library is growing. Feel free to borrow anything you need.

Jen Moore said...

i'm a little hurt mine wasn't used.... but i'll pull through.

Eron said...


I don't have your email. Give it to me and I'll send you an invite. Don't take it personal. I would love to see what you are reading and what you are thinking about.


Jamie Butts said...

So, thanks for inviting me. Dustin realized that my OLD e-mail gets my blogger and to check it and there we go - an invite. I guess I can add some of the ladies' point of view. I'm reading quite a few books this summer, or hope to anyway. Topics: Education, Parenting, Hospitality, and some just random theology books and maybe a novel. :)
There you have it. Thanks for inviting us. Fun stuff. We Butts like books. And summer. Good combo.

Slade said...

I think we can all agree on what the most anticipated read of the summer is: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


Jay Scott said...

i look forward to hearing about the books so i won't half to read them

unless you'd like my take on an obscure history book or air force doctrine

Eron said...


Go for it! Hey, aint no restrictions around herrr. Seriously, do it, it will attracts another level to our reading audience--the single white 35 -year-olds.

Dude, if you want to blog about a book, bring it! I will shoot you an email if you are interested for real.

Jay Scott said...

I'm game. I more than likely won't get a book a week done, but maybe 2-3 weeks. is my blogger email, is the one that i actually check.